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In Love

What does your healthiest, most JOYful life look like?

Turn your vision into reality!

Mother and Son

JOYVIAL serves a growing trend among business executives who seek to ace and sustain their career and live their healthiest, most JOYful life.


Providing you access to top-tier executive health coaches, we guide you to a life you will love, while ensuring full confidentiality.

Kundalini Yoga Breathing
Your Mental Wellbeing
  • Experience more JOY

  • Improve relationships most important in your life

  • Reframe perception of stress

  • Instill optimism and reduce negative self-talk

  • Improve sleep quality

Iyengar Class
Your Physical Wellbeing
  • Work towards optimal weight

  • Reduce & eliminate cravings

  • Improve digestion

  • Identify food intolerances

  • Discover your best way to move your body

Client Testimonial

What Our Clients Say

Image by Lubomirkin

"Working with JOYVIAL was a great experience and I'd highly recommend it for other working professionals trying to be their best self in all aspects of their life."

Melissa ProctorChief Marketing Officer

Atlanta Hawks

Change Your Life

How can working with our health coaches change your life?

Hear from our founder & CEO Hanni Berger how working with an executive health coach changed her life and how it can do the same for you.

JOYVIAL Introduction
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Our Approach

Executive Health Coaching

Personalized one-on-one sessions allow for maximum exploration of your unique challenges while offering a safe, and confidential place to reflect and explore your intentions.


You will be partnered with a JOYVIAL executive health coach who specializes in guiding you towards your unique vision and goals. 

Boss Mug
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Conference & Meeting Presentations

Do you get easily frustrated, feel anxious about your to-dos, or wish you could shut up the voice in your head telling you that you must do more or be better in order to be successful?​


In this interactive conversation Hanni Berger, CEO of JOYVIAL shares the true source of all stress and how to reduce and even eliminate the feelings of anxiety, anger and other negative emotions.

Why Choose JOYVIAL

Work with the Best in the Industry

  • Professional, vetted, certified executive health coaches

  • Unique areas of specialization

  • Extensive experience and testimonials

Coaching Techniques for Successful Outcomes

  • Personalized and customized approach

  • Confidential and safe environment

  • Utilization of leading edge coaching tools

Vision and Goal Oriented

  • Focused on moving you towards your ideal vision

  • Outcome driven

  • Client centered - we focus on your priorities, taking your preferred steps to get there

Our Purpose

At JOYVIAL, our purpose is to create a kinder world.

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Let's get started

This is the first step in your journey to living your healthiest, most JOYful life.

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