I love summers! We are more active, meet with friends, go to outdoor concerts, spend time in the water and nurse a glass of wine or two on the outdoor patio. The music is more upbeat, we have more hours of daylight to revel in, and take more time off to truly enJOY life.
The only challenge, at least if you live in the south, is that the temperatures can climb easily to 90F and in recent months to 100F plus. That’s a lot of heat bearing down on us.
If not attended to, the heat will leave us feeling…
- lethargic
- weak or lightheaded
- little energy and lead to
- lack of concentration
That’s quite the opposite of what you want to feel like this summer. To make the most out of this great season, here are 6 ways to keep you cool and healthy this summer.
6 ways to keep you cool and healthy this summer

1. Hydration
Did you know that when you feel thirsty your body is already in a state of dehydration? Preventing dehydration is the foundation of feeling well during hot summer days (actually also during the winter, but that’s another topic). So water, water, and more water.
Also, many fruits and vegetables are full of water helping us not only stay hydrated but also lose weight. Eating foods such as tomatoes, watermelons and cucumbers will fill up your stomach but have little caloric value, making this also a great food for weight loss. We love creative ways to enJOY these fruits and vegetables like a fresh summer salad with homemade salad dressings. Yum!
By the way, one of my favorite ways to stay hydrated is to start my day with a cool smoothie filled with leafy greens, cucumber, celery, and fruits. Get the day started off on the right note with a refreshing, cool drink filled with nutrients every cell in your body will love.

2. Be outside in the mornings
It’s not just the heat that is bearing down on us, but also the air quality that gradually gets worse during the summer months. Are you able to shift your schedule, especially now that the kids are on summer break? Why not make it a more relaxed morning outdoors when it’s cool and stay indoors in the afternoon.
In recent weeks, I often go for walks when it’s still cool either before or right after breakfast. On some mornings I try to enJOY some sunshine, either at the pool or briefly sitting on my patio. Remember that Vitamin D is a key hormone that regulates our mood. Just 30 minutes of good vitamin D can make a difference you need.
3. Use non-toxic sunscreen
Personal body products such as shampoos, body lotions, make up, deodorant and yes, your sunscreen, are filled with chemicals for a number of reasons. These chemicals serve a purpose such as: extending the products shelf life, making them smell better and simply being more economical. However, as cheaper, non-organic ingredients are used, these chemicals create imbalance and toxicity in every cell in our body.
Changing out all your body products to organic alternatives will go a long way in your health. It can help you strengthen your immune system and greatly reduce your chances of developing one of this country’s most deadly diseases (Alzheimer’s disease, cardiovascular disease, Type 2 diabetes and yes, cancer). Your body doesn’t deal well or at all with these toxins. Search online for ‘non-toxic’ or ‘free of toxins’ sunscreen.

4. Take it easy
Heat can be exhausting. Spending all day in the garden or even going for a walk can make you feel exhausted from the heat. If you spend a lot of active time outside, make sure to find extra time in the summer to recover. A 20-minute nap in the afternoon, a cooling footbath, or simply taking a break to sit down and breathe can be all it takes for you to recover.

5. Walk barefoot
Walking barefoot in the hot summer heat can be so refreshing. Stick your toes into the cool grass, get your feet dirty walking in the woods, or simply walk barefoot around the house. Your toes will find freedom from being trapped in shoes and your body might even cool off a few degrees.
The other amazing benefit of walking barefoot is that it grounds us. Research shows that connecting with the earth’s electrons found in the soil will promote physiological changes. These changes will lead to better sleep, reduced pain, and general balance in every cell in your body.

6. It’s time for flowy summer wear
One of the reasons I love the summer time is that I can wear flowy clothes with breathable material. Romantic flowy tops, light summer skirts, sleeveless blouses…they not only look good but also feel good on your skin. Let the summer breeze cool you off.
Try wearing clothes made mostly of breathable cotton. For example, polyester is commonly used as a synthetic alternative to natural fibers like cotton or wool. It’s a material that is not breathable and can therefore make you sweat a lot more. No thank you! Stay easy breezy with flowy summer clothes made of cotton.
Such small nuggets can make a tremendous impact in your life if you choose to apply them. But, maybe beating the summer heat isn’t your priority. Maybe yours is about finding your way back to yourself or finding it for the first time.
Whatever your goal, working with one of our professional executive health coaches will help you discover new habits that will lead you to living a healthier, more JOYful life. Click the 'Contact' button in the top right corner or simply send us an email to info@joyvial.com to schedule your free discovery session.
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