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From Stress to Bliss
Master the Power of Your Mind


Do you get easily frustrated, feel anxious about your to-dos, or wish you could shut up the voice in your head telling you that you must do more or be better in order to be successful?


In her keynote Hanni...

  • shares scientific facts about how your body reacts to stress,

  • helps you understand the true source of stress, the never-ending chatter in your mind, and

  • engages you in stress reduction techniques that will reduce and even eliminate stress.

It is estimated that 80% of all doctors’ visits are due to stress…why?


Because stress is one of the biggest contributors to the level of inflammation in our body. And inflammation is at the core of most our ailments including some of this country’s most deadly diseases – heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, and cancer.


You may want to believe that it is your external world that is responsible for your stress...

  • your job

  • the people in your life

  • your lengthy to-do list


But Hanni will prove to you that managing your stress is all about managing your mind.

What Client Say

Image by Lubomirkin

"Team members report sleeping better at night while others approach difficult situations with more calm. I also appreciate Hanni's genuine approach addressing the emotions felt during these challenging times." (COVID-19 + Racial Unrest)

Camye Mackey, Chief People, Inclusion and Diversity Officer

Atlanta Hawks

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